4693 Kent Road | Kent, Ohio 44240

Preferred Vendor Membership

Congratulations - Your NNEP Preferred Vendor membership application or renewal was successful!  Check your email for your confirmation.  We look forward to serving you and your business over the next year.

You will be receiving a series of emails from NNEP shortly.  One of the first ones will be the information we are sending to NNEP members about your organization.  Please review that and approve it or return it with current information.  You will also receive the current membership list by email within a few days.

Please contact us any time you have questions about NNEP, our members or how we can better serve you.


Phone:  800-866-7396

2 Responses

  1. Brenda Blanks says:

    I do not want to be a preferred vendor, nor do I want to renew my membership. I don't know why this link sent me to this page.

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