4693 Kent Road | Kent, Ohio 44240

NNEP Member Hits $100K in Sales!

NNEP Member Hits $100K in Sales!

Crosshairs - success

A member of NNEP just MADE my day!!! She called for some sourcing help and then let us know she TOPPED "six figures" in 2014!!!!!!!

We are SO excited for her - $100,000 is quite an accomplishment for a business that "started with nothing," according to Pati.

They've been in business 9 years. They even moved the business to another state at one point and started over - and they are MAKING IT HAPPEN!

She said there is "A LOT of money in apparel! You need to get out there and network, and SELL the GARMENTS!"

The product she was looking for has a unique finish to it, making it a higher end product, and a more profitable job - but harder to find. Her customer loved the sample, but when Pati went back to the supplier to place the order, she was told they are no longer offering that product.

What was she to do?  Call NNEP, of course!

We were able to refer her to several other companies that offer this challenging all over imprint. She will continue with this order and make this big customer very happy, putting her business well on its way to an even bigger year in 2015.

Way to go Pati - we are so proud of you!!!


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